Legends of American Whiskey. You're holding in your hands the history of American whiskey as told through 100 bottles. Each bottle tells a story, and each story fits with others, piece by piece, like a jigsaw puzzle, to create a grand narrative, not just about bourbon and rye distilling but about American history itself. Bourbon Lore is a celebration of our nation's unique gift to the world told though the spectacular bourbon and rye collection of entrepreneur Mason Walker. Walker has carefully acquired some of the rarest and historically significant bottles ranging from the pre-Prohibition years to modern "unicorn" whiskeys sought after by spirit enthusiasts world-wide. In this book, whiskey expert Clay Risen explores the history behind each bottle and profiles the legendary makers responsible for the some of the finest spirits ever produced. Beautifully photographed by Darren Higgins, this ultimate collection will intrigue and inspire every whiskey lover from novice to connoisseur.
310 Pages